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Everybody makes mistakes, so adding membership to the wrong account can happen.
There is no option to transfer credit between accounts due to how our payment partners manage their services in different ways. However, providing you follow the rules below our Billing Support Team can help you.
Here are the rules related to transferring credit between accounts:
- You cannot have used the membership by accessing members worlds
- You have paid using Credit/Debit Card or PayPal
- Both accounts are your own - we cannot transfer membership to a different player
- We are contacted on the same day the payment is made
Using one of the payment methods listed below you are able to purchase RuneScape membership to your friends and family also.
By Credit Card
Credit/Debit Cards can be used to purchase membership for immediate friends and family, enabling you to give somebody close to you ongoing RuneScape Membership.
To gift membership using a Credit/Debit Card you will need to be at the same computer to ensure your card and account details are safe, so we only recommend this for very close family members.
By Surfpin /PayByPhone
PayByPhone payments mean you can pay for close friend or family members RuneScape membership by simply dialling the number provided from the subscription page. To receive a membership PIN you will need access to the telephone, so we always recommend asking for permission first.
All you need to know, and more, about the game world. How to get started and how to develop your character. | Need help with your account? Perhaps the game won't run for you? Help can be found here. |
Artwork, fan fiction and arts and crafts are found in this section. |